
Under construction.

About DSP-2

You'll know SNES emulator will run games on other than SNES platform.

Usual games can be emulated. But sometimes a special chip named DSP (Digital Signal Processor) is embedded in SNES cart. This is not usual program, so it cannot be directly interpreted by emulator.

DM uses DSP-2 chip. So, it is required for SNES emulator developer to write software code to emulate behavior of DSP-2 hardware, in order to play DSP-2 equipped game like Dungeon Master.

(In those days, I didn't know how this special chip DSP-2 interacts with Pictures displayed in 1st person viewport.)

Snes9X v1.39a

Snes9X v1.40

zsnes 1.36

zsnes WIP May 8, 2004

On 25-Jul-2003, Snes9x developer team released Snes9X v.140.

It has capacity to emulate DSP-2 hardware's behavior, and this was the first time that you can play DM on SNES emulators.

In this time (25-Jul-2003), zsnes doesn't emulates DSP-2 yet, so I started with zsnes to study how DSP-2 works.

Any clue about DSP-2

In those days, is the best open technical information about DSP-2.

That site is maintained by Overload who researched many DSP chips and contributed to SNES developer community.

In those days, their information is merely little. Look at DSP2.mht.

Acquiring a disassembled source code

It is required to study SNES programming by myself and know how what is done.

Anyone will suggest disassembler tools to get disassembled source code.
However I knew offline disassembler tool won't have good output.

So I decided to built in disassembler inside zsnes source code.
The built in one also associates disassembled source with footprint.


Really needed thing is to study about SNES's CPU 65816. It's CPU instruction set and SNES memory map.


I modified zsnes and make it generate a footprint. footprint is an array of integers which records ROM address CPU walked.

The footprint costs about 400MB (about 100,000,000 CPU steps) disk space when you play game in few minutes.


%macro endloop 0
    mov bl,[esi]
    inc esi
    sub dh,[cpucycle+ebx]
    jc %%cpuover
    jmp dword near [edi+ebx*4]

The "Hack_Enter_Now" is a macro.
If you put a macro on source code, it is extracted on compile.

"Hack_Enter_Now" is to record the current PC (program counter). PC points an address which CPU read and run next opecode.

The zsnes code "jmp dword near [edi+ebx*4]" executes one 65816 CPU instruction. Usual emulator (also zsnes) uses pointer table due to gain more running performance.

%macro Hack_Enter_Now 0
   call Hacken_Enter

"call" means call a sub-routine.

NEWSYM Hacken_Enter
    mov eax,esi
    sub eax,[romdata]
    dec eax
    cmp eax,4194304
    jae .noop
    mov [Hackc_PB_PC],eax
    call Hackc_Enter

This code is to determine whether PC register points to ROM address space or not. Usual code is built in SNES cart and it exists as ROM (read only memory) form.

Because it has difference memory address space between Windows (zsnes) and 65816, memory space conversion is required. Above code does it.

Following code "Hackc_Enter" performs code traps for running Dungeon Master program.


Because I don't wanna analyze the disassembled source code, I set traps step by step (trial and errors) to know the meaining of every code part. It is very ineffective work.


Checking the disassembled source

Finally, I got 20 or 30 footprints. Next partial sample is disassembled one of them.

00/8000|18          |      1|CLC 
00/8001|FB          |      1|XCE 
00/8002|D8          |      1|CLD 
00/8003|C2 30       |      1|REP #        $30 
00/8005|A2 FF       |      1|LDX #        $1FFF 
00/8008|9A          |      1|TXS 
00/8009|F4 00 00    |      1|PEA s         
00/800C|AB          |      1|PLB s         
00/800D|AB          |      1|PLB s         
00/800E|A9 00       |      1|LDA #        $0000 
00/8011|5B          |      1|TCD 
00/8012|E2 20       |      1|SEP #        $20 
00/8014|A9 0F       |      1|LDA #        $0F 
00/8016|8F 00 80 3F |      1|STA $3F8000 
00/801A|8F 00 80 3F |      1|STA $3F8000 
00/801E|8F 00 80 3F |      1|STA $3F8000 
00/8022|8F 00 80 3F |      1|STA $3F8000 
00/8026|8F 00 80 3F |      1|STA $3F8000 
00/802A|8F 00 80 3F |      1|STA $3F8000 
00/802E|A9 00       |      1|LDA #        $00 
00/8030|8D 81 21    |      1|STA $2181 
00/8033|8D 82 21    |      1|STA $2182 
00/8036|8D 83 21    |      1|STA $2183 
00/8039|A2 00       |      1|LDX #        $0000 
00/803C|8D 80 21    |  65536|STA $2180 
00/803F|8D 80 21    |  65536|STA $2180 
00/8042|CA          |  65536|DEX 
00/8043|D0 F7       |  65536|BNE r        $803C ; To L1.1-1
00/8045|C2 30       |      1|REP #        $30 
00/8047|22 BB 80 00 |      1|JSL $0080BB ; To L2.1-1


Identify how to access DSP-2

I got help from Snes9x software. Modify the ROM and run it on Snes9x. If I modified DSP-2 access progam, screen will be messed up.

I located it by many trial and error.

I tried to find the code such as "LDA #$01" and modify its operand to other value.

I could know what I should do because I knew about Intel x86 assembler and C++ personal programing experiences.

Sending the command code #$01 to the DSP-2 processor (addreess is $#3F8000).

00/98AF|A9 01       |  16800|LDA #        $01 
00/98B1|8F 00 80 3F |  16800|STA $3F8000 


Coding DSP-2 emulation code into zsnes

Access to DSP-2 chip seems to be done by reading/writing memory access.

The chip seems to occupy the memory address space from $3F8000 to $3FFFFF.

I coded the next 7 commands in C++ code at first.


There are many trial and error for coding.

Testing how bit-plane consists.

Seeking how to convert 4-bit packed pixel bitmap to bit-planes. gliches on screen.

Stretching image/transparent support failed.

My old support code (partial). This old code is no longer used.

If you try "LDA $#3F8000" or "STA $#3F8000", this code might be called.

OLD DSP-2 support code

My latest DSP-2 support code (dsp2proc.asm) may be found at


Displaying is ok, and how about "pictures"?

I tried "corruptor". If compressed picture image is damaged, it shows wrong image.


Check occurences thru zsnes

DM reads compressed picture image from ROM. So, I set a trap "who" reads the compressed data.

I set the trap to "LDA" CPU instruction. The decompressor may access the compressed data, and it is true.
