Working Memo


It consists from 3 or 4 word(16 bits) values.

It exists a lot in dungeon.dat.

It makes the dungeon more exciting and interesting world.

Any level editor developer has been willing to know the hidden mystery secret in Actuators! (At least I think so)

Word value representation

Word value
(Decimal integer)
Word value
(Hexadecimal integer)
Binary bits representation
1 &H0001 0000000000000001
2 &H0002 0000000000000010
4 &H0004 0000000000000100
8 &H0008 0000000000001000
16 &H0010 0000000000010000
32 &H0020 0000000000100000
64 &H0040 0000000001000000
128 &H0080 0000000010000000
256 &H0100 0000000100000000
512 &H0200 0000001000000000
1024 &H0400 0000010000000000
2048 &H0800 0000100000000000
4096 &H1000 0001000000000000
8192 &H2000 0010000000000000
16384 &H4000 0100000000000000
32768 &H8000 1000000000000000


1st Word?

I think 1st Word has fixed format.

Here is a representation in bits value format.


CCCCCCC part means the Action for every Actuator.

Known Actions will be in next table.

CCCCCCC &H0001 Trap floor switch (Placing item will turn on it)
&H0003 Trap floor switch (Placing item will not turn on it)
&H0008 Trap shooter
&H0016 Cross map trigger
&H0017 2 state wall switch
&H0018 Button wall switch
&H001A Key-hole switch
&H001D Count finite trigger absorber
&H001E Infinite pulse generation trigger
&H0020 Count infinite trigger relay trigger
&H0021 Global trigger for game start
&H0023 Item absorber and placer
&H0026 Magic explosion sensoring switch
&H002D Count finite trigger relay trigger
&H002E Creature generation trigger

Magical trap shooter

1st Word 0000000000001000
2nd Word General 2nd Word form
3rd Word Strength
TTTTTT Type of magic
&H00 Fire shooter
&H02 Lightning-volt shooter
&H03 Anti ghost magic shooter
&H04 Zo spell shooter
&H06 Poison spell shooter
&H07 Poison fog spell shooter
&H09 Push entity spell shooter
&H0A Pull entity spell shooter
&H31 High voltage electronic-volt discharger

Cross map trigger

1st Word 0000000100010110
2nd Word General 2nd Word form
3rd Word Locator
MMMMMM Map number for Locator

Pulse generation trigger

1st Word 1111101000011110
2nd Word General 2nd Word form
3rd Word Locator
NNNNNNNNN Interval tick count
First trigger is distributed immediately. Second or later trigger waits the Interval time.

Creature generation trigger

1st Word 0000010010101110
2nd Word General 2nd Word form
3rd Word Locator
MMMMMMMM Creature number

Item absorber and placer

1st Word 1001110100100011
2nd Word General 2nd Word form
3rd Word Locator
TT Item category
&H0 Weapons
&H1 Clothes
&H2 Miscellaneous items
&H3 Potions
IIIIIII Item number
WEAP (lower byte)
(lower byte)
(lower byte)
(higher byte)


2nd Word?

I think and I believe that I got these information from CSB4Win source codes by Paul Stevens.

Here is a representation in bits value format.

General 2nd Word form


OOOO Ornate image index
0 Invisible
1 - 15 Specified wall ornate or floor ornate image will be displayed
Their images are selected from Level Descriptor.
DDDD Delay between receiving and distributing for triggering
B Beep when activation
0 Off
1 On
I Inverse
Inverse the meaning of Activation type.
0 Inverse won't be performed
1 Inverse will be performed
AA Activation type
0 Activates when turning on
1 Activates when turning off
2 Toggle
If door/teleport/illusion wall is target, open it if closed, or close it if opened in activation.
3 Linking
If door/teleport/illusion wall is target, switch state reflects into the target state.
S Current switch state
0 Off
1 On


3rd Word?

Variant usage exists against Actions.


Activate/deactivate the door/teleporter/actuator/illusion wall.


XXXXX X position for target
YYYYY Y position for target
DD Direction
If target is actuator, it is affected with same direction you specify here.
0 N
1 E
2 S
3 W



SSSSSSSSSSSS Strength for magical trap shooter
Bigger value makes it more strong.
Smaller value makes it more weak.


Additional information for Level Descriptor

w2: (Some bit decorational flags)

+1 Requires to have hole for downstairs
+2 Requires to have hole for upstairs
+4 ?
+8 Requires to have staircase for upstairs
+16 Requires to have staircase for downstairs
+32 Requires to display blue haze
+64 ?
+128 Requires for activating door type1
+256 Requires for activating door type2
+512 ?
+1024 ?
+2048 ?
+4096 ?
+8192 ?
+16384 ?
+32768 ?

14_4_7: (Scene of this level)

0 異次元
A world they call Another Dimension
1 地上
At ground level
2 洞穴
In cave
3 城内・家・建造物内
In keep, in house, in store, in structure
4 屋上
At rooftop
5 墓地(霧霞のある空気)
At graveyard
6 ~ 15 ?

14_8_B: (Door type1)
14_C_F: (Door type2)

0 16個の窓が付いた鉄格子の扉
An iron door with windows divided in sixteen pieces.
1 木の扉
A wooden door
2 鉄の扉
An solid door
3 鉄柵門
An iron door made of iron pole such as fence
4 野外で見かける扉
An solid door with illust of sun
5 12個の窓が付いたドクロの印入りの扉
An iron door with illust of skull, with windows divided in twelve pieces
6 :P
7 48個の窓が付いた こんじき色の扉
An goldlike door with windows divided in forty eight pieces.
8 木の扉
A wooden door
9 墓地で見かける扉
An solid door with illust of a face
10 4に同じ。若しくは…
Same as 4, otherwise
11 :P
12 :P
13 :P
14 :P
15 :P